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AnyDESIGN Version 1.1

  • 24th August, 2021
  • View 2501


AnyCasting Software would like to bring you the release of AnyDESIGN Version 1.1

Users can use the optimization features to better select the size of the risers, the gating ratio, parting line setting,
check the soundness of the design, use the cost analysis feature to easily perform a cost-benefit analysis.
Please refer to below and our homepage for more details.

• Runner Auto Resizing
- Choose whether the gating is pressurized or not depending on the pouring style of the user,
and automatically optimize the runners with the target filling time or by inputting the gating ratio (S:R:G).

• Riser Auto Resizing
- With this feature, can automatically optimize the size of the runners depending on the feeding efficiency, and the modulus ratio.

• Cost Analysis
- Users will be able to see how much profit or loss the casting design will bring by regarding the working conditions of the foundry, and depending on the number of cavities, casting yield, defect rate.

• Health Check
- Check the soundness of the casting method through various parameters such as riser height, the feeding efficiency of the risers and yield, and induce sound casting design

• Thickness Analysis
- Users can use the Thickness Map feature to evaluate the thick areas of the cast (predicted shrinkage areas) with a click of a button before simulating the product.